Today I want to give a shout out to my caregiver Britney Mitchell. Crazy enough, 10 years ago she started working for me... A month before her 14th birthday. She was the youngest caregiver that I had ever hired, but she lived right down the road and so it was going to work out perfectly. I would never thought that she would still be here 10 years later and I am so thankful! When Britney started working for me, she was very shy but immediately we hit it off and had so much fun working together. Over the years I have seen her blossom into an amazing young woman. She has since gone to school for cosmetology and is the main reason I always look so good! Besides styling my hair, she spoils me with painting my nails and giving me hair cuts in my bathroom among many other beautifying services. So many people ask at my speaking engagements "Did Doug do your hair?" And I immediately bust out laughing because its usually always Britney that worked her magic! Doug does NOT have hair skills! Words cannot express how thankful I am for this amazing woman in my life. She has endured many challenges with her health and yet she continues to be such a hard worker... She works 5 mornings a week for me and also works a full time cosmetology job. I love you so much Britney and hope that there are many more years to come! <3